Astronvim format on save. How to do that? neovim; formatting; lazyvim; Share.
Astronvim format on save 21_1 Terminal/GUI alacritty + zsh + tmux AstroNvim Heal Contribute to pocco81/auto-save. format_on_save must be enabled) codelens_enabled = true, -- enable or disable automatic codelens refreshing for lsp that support it lsp_handlers_enabled = true, -- enable or Go to src/app/page. com Every-time I try something and save the file then exit, the editor re-formats my code. The previous name is used for the alternate file name. A format with the prettier executable should work in the exact same way as a format via astronvim. Currently, I'm using :w new_file_name, then opening that file with :e new_file_name. We also provide a few user On LazyVim when I save a cpp file it is automatically formatted. formatting_sync()]] This workaround has been OK until the Neovim version gets to 6. lua). You switched accounts on another tab or window. Finally, I'll close the original file with :bd test. Contribute to AstroNvim/docs development by creating an account on GitHub. document_formatting then vim. lua files respectively in a split user configuration). When the formatting is done, LSP-format. If you use BufWritePre and formatting_sync, it works. Add LazyFormatter - a function that is only called while formatting and returns a formatter; Add CustomFormatter - a function that gets an array of lines and returns a new array of lines; Support concatenating AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins — https://astronvim. Last commit message. Btw on the null-ls. copilot-lua" } Persistent-breakpoints is a lua plugin for Neovim to save the nvim-dap’s checkpoints to file and automatically load them when you open neovim. The same as Black is used to auto-format Python code on save. While there are many small improvements to AstroNvim in version 4, the major update is a move to use the lazy. The template provides a directory structure with the required files in place. It AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins - feat(lsp): support format_on_save whitelist · AstroNvim/AstroNvim@f3b1874 Hello, I would like to change some key settings of the plugin vim-visual-multi. 04 Describe the bug When writ and see if that gives you the behavior that you want. init table, moved some stuff out of your polish function which should be in your plugins table such as configuring alpha (moved to plugins. json etc. Site for AstroNvim. For information on what the <Leader>, check out the :h mapleader. BasedOnStyle: LLVM. User Configuration // init. com/recipes/advanced_lsp/ in the area "Customizing auto-format on save" it says I can disable auto formatting on save. I would like to share this in case you’re trying to do the same thing. nvim development by creating an account on GitHub. mappings table (user/mappings. But when I disabled it. You signed in with another tab or window. 2 Neovim version (>= 0. I've nuked nvim and astronvim and it keeps coming back AstroNvim Update: pA: AstroUpdate AstroNvim Version: pv: AstroVersion AstroNvim Changelog: pl: AstroChangelog Close buffer: c Force close buffer: C Toggle tabline: ut Save: w: w Close all buffers except current: bc Quit: q: confirm q Close all buffers: bC Select buffer from tabline: bb Toggle syntax highlight: uy Close buffer from tabline: bd Note: This plugin will also reconfigure cmp in AstroNvim to make <Tab> work with both auto completion in cmp and copilot. lua file. However whenever I'm editing C (i haven't tried with C++), clang-format and clangd conflict with each other with the following message: warning: multiple different client offset_encodings detected for buffer, this is not supported yet. So this code should be in the . lua and user/lsp/mappings. Open the These options are configured with the lsp. 8. 5. When choosing a colorscheme/theme, make sure to check what plugins they support Restarted AstroNvim; AstroNvim version. The next four plugins modify the configuration of a plugin that is part of AstroNvim (e. AstroNvim has made formatting on save part of the default functionality out of the box. 0 Operating system/version Ubuntu 22. But I would like to disable that autoformatting on save functionality by default. 17 completion. format() should use prettier. On save, text is prepended to the file that I'm saving. alpha) and setting up dap hooks which I configured with dapui. formatting_sync(nil, <timeout in ms>), but I can't figure out how to do t Note [1] All downloadable Nerd Fonts contain icons which are used by AstroNvim. opt and vim. autopairs: Checklist I have searched through the AstroNvim docs I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue I have run :Lazy update and are on the latest version of A Question. I've installed it via SWIPL pack but haven't been able to get it to work with AstroNVim--when I open a file I get Cannot access configuration for prolog_lsp. And it adds some convenience with disable commands and format options. Example: :LspInstall pyright Install language parser. format_on_save = { enabled = true, -- enable or disable format on save globally. I would like to be able to just save the current buffer as a new file without having to open a new buffer and then close New File: n: enew Find themes: ft Find AstroNvim config files: fa ge: CamelCaseMotion_ge Toggle Explorer: e: Neotree toggle b: CamelCaseMotion_b Save: w: w Toggle Harpoon: hh Go to Harpoon file 5: h5 Go to Harpoon file 4: h4 Go to Harpoon file 3: h3 Go to Harpoon file 2: h2 Go to Harpoon file 1: h1 Add file to Harpoon: ha Toggle foldcolumn: uh I need to increase the timeout for when null_ls uses vim. tsx and save - everything will be shifted to the line start. 2. copilot-lua { import = "astrocommunity. Navigation Menu { --control auto formatting on save format_on_save = { --enable or disable format on save globally enabled = true, --enable I tried adding this to my config file - filetype_cpp = { standard_widths = { 4 }, }, And ran the command to update config, bu Reopening the issue #326 Indentation is 4 spaces only in c or python files. toml file and sort and format the file within :w command. No response. 0, and usually when I save I get this: AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins — https://astronvim. So my example modifies the capabilities of clangd and adds configuration options for rome. mappings get set only in I want to use Ruff to auto-format the code on save. In vim script it would look like: let g:VM_maps = {} let g:VM_maps["Add Cursor Down"] = '<M-j>' " new cursor down let g:VM_maps["Add Cursor Up"] = '<M-k>' " Contribute to AstroNvim/docs development by creating an account on GitHub. nvim will only change the buffer if it didn't change since the time formatting was called. Within the files some indication, through commented out code, of how to configure -- customize lsp formatting options. And following prettier's documentation, the js object should be formatted to be written on a single line. asked Jul 7, 2023 at 17:53. Hopefully this can give some insight into what's happening. Step 3 — Changing the Prettier Configuration Settings. config\nvim\lua\user), and tried changing the lsp configuration to the one shown in the Advanced LSP Example Now what I want is when I save the python file, it should respect the pyproject. 7) 0. I copied and pasted the example init. Further, the name of the file generally matches the name of the plugin. --write all buffers when the current one meets `condition` debounce_delay = 135, --saves the file at most every `debounce_delay` Contribute to AstroNvim/astrolsp development by creating an account on GitHub. I then decide I want to save this as a new file, so that I can alter it without changing the original test. nvim_command [[augroup Format]] vim. formatting_sync. If you are using AstroNvim on a If your language server is slow at formatting you might want to disable formatting on save and just format with <leader>lf. Can I just call a custom command (e. nvim AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins — https://astronvim. lua as a scratchpad to ask this question. Orhun Neovim Configuration Information AstroNvim based configuration of open source developer Orhun I believe my null-ls format on-save has gone faulty. It Our configuration template is an easy way to going with AstroNvim. astronvim. not neovim nightly) :PackerSync :AstroUpdate Restarted AstroNvim AstroNvim version 1. main. TODO. txt. Installation and customization can be done through respective plugin managers. com Code Action On Save . nvim. not neovim nightly) :PackerSync :AstroUpdate Restarted AstroNvim AstroNvim version v2. It comes with a built in formatter, but I can't seem to get it to work on save so opted to go with the mix formatter with null-ls. Screenshots. Enter :LspInstall followed by the name of the server you want to install. 8) NVIM v0. Neovim version (>= 0. I wanted to add Autosave feature like Vscode. Folders and files. Following the informative AstroNvim documenta Hello I'm trying out neovim through astronvim. vimrc:" Indent on save hook autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> call Indent() If you want only certain file types to be auto-indented on save, which I recommend, then follow the instructions. A beautiful user interface that focuses on providing the information you need without wasting space or cluttering the screen. nvim_command [[autocmd! * <buffer>]] vim. I've also verified that the keymap itself works, by remapping it to a known-working function. Also for the typescript. vim. Each file in the plugins directory can specify the installation and configuration of one or more plugins. Go to file. But :Format does not: "E492: Not an editor command: Format". Also some language servers like clangd in particular have formatters that will change indent settings when you format. It's annoying for me. Its not what I have in the example and the more I write to a file the worst it gets. Vim command :!black % works - it does re-format the whole file. I spent way too much time trying to figure out why my AstroNvim config does not apply erb-formatter to erb files on save. formatting. Adding e. tsx file and save - everything will be fine; Go to the next file src/app/layout. On the cli, run prettier -w test. When the write AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins - feat(lsp): support format_on_save whitelist · AstroNvim/AstroNvim@002379f AstroNvim comes with a built in project root detection utility that can be used to update your current working directory manually or automatically. IndentAccesModifiers: true. ruff format . The only difference between these two tables is that the mappings table is set globally and lsp. The [!] is needed to overwrite an existing file. ), REST APIs, and object models. LSP LSP Info Space + li LSP Installer Space + lI Hover Document Shift + k Format Document Space + lf Symbols Outline Space + lS Line Diagno stics gl, Space + ld All Diagno stics Space + lD Code Actions Open and run :Format and save. If I install clang-format with mason, and include a . Instead of putting options in the polish function the user can now put them in an options table in the user/init. opt = { . 0 Checklist Using a stable version of Neovim (i. 0. It is possible to disable/enable it in the session using Spaceuf. The first major change is that the installation of AstroNvim itself is through lazy. , ts_rainbow = true, ts_autotag = true, }, --Disable AstroNvim ui features ui = { nui_input = true, telescope _select = You can remove this on attach function to disable Hey I'm also running into this issue after a fresh install. That way the slow formatting of the LSP doesn't slow down your saving That way the slow formatting of the LSP doesn't slow down your saving Save image: fs:Silicon Clear Breakpoints: dB Conditional Breakpoint (S-F9) dC Step Into (F11) di Find word under cursor: fc Step Over (F10) do Mason Update: pM: MasonUpdateAll Step Out (S-F11) dO Load current directory session: S. 6. It I installed clang-format using Mason to help format my java code. I force uninstalled a plugin called none-ls. , but in general if you can run your Here is a minimal user/init. and had to reinstall altogether. This is not a breaking change and old code will work. nvim but that Question Hey, I can't seem to be able to wrap my head around how the auto formatting works, it keeps using 2 spaces instead of 4 when I save the file. Hello everyone, Is it possible to run some code actions on file save? For example, I would like to run "Fix All" but I'm unsure how to approach this problem. 9. lsp. SessionManager! load_current_dir_session Close Session: dq Save this session: Ss: SessionManager! and prettier installed as a formatter, as well as eslint_d as a linter (unfortunately it also has code formatting capabilities). Uninstalling clang-format gets rid of the PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. 1. lua into a new directory named user (~. JSON, CSV, XML, etc. LspInfo tells me the cmd is lua-language-server, i have sumneko lua installed. setup { I want to disable this feature that autoformats my code upon saving file. 7. AstroNvim generally relies on <Leader> driven mappings, which is default set to <Space>. Is there a way to automatically format a file when it is saved? For example, I am building a project in Go and would like to use gofmt. We have improved the setting of user options for stuff like vim. I tried what is described here, I added this piece of code to my ~/. Images can be added to src/assets/ and embedded in Markdown with a relative #426 - Cleaner user vim option settings. logfile is also empty :( anyone have any suggestions on what I could try?. If I trigger it manually I can pass a parameter that sets the timeout vim. Mappings can be customized through AstroCore and AstroLSP. There are some finesses with regard to setting up . e. clang-format or _clang-format and applies the style to formatting. lua. Checklist Using a stable version of Neovim (i. Contribute to pocco81/auto-save. Additional Context. " - then it will be overridden again by nvim when I open format specific file (for py for example it will be indentexpr=python#GetIndent(v:lnum)) This is killing me. 0 Neovim version (>= 0. Improve this question. By default AstroNvim is set up to save the previous session as well as the last session for each working directory on exit and has the ability to configure buffers which the user wants to ignore when saving sessions. 7) NVIM 0. 8) Nvim 0. nvim_command [[autocmd BufWritePre By default AstroNvim ships with it’s own custom color scheme, AstroTheme, but there are many others to choose from to fit your needs. lua: return { lsp = { formatting = { From the website https://docs. com When I have Neoformat installed and I save changes to a large file (10000 lines or more), sometimes hundreds of lines at the end of the file get deleted. : treesitter. 📦 Setup Install LSP. I configured format like below: if client. General Mappings. just as an example. It will format on save, without blocking the editor. Mappings can be added in one of two locations in your user/init. lua local impatient_ok, impa Action Mappings; Next Buffer]b: Previous Buffer [b: Move Buffer Right >b: Move Buffer Left <b: Navigate to buffer tab with interactive picker: Leader + bb: Close all buffers except the current For example if I want to install an old version of stable AstroNvim later on down the line that's already tagged and released with the tracked plugin commits, but the repo branch name has changed that version of AstroNvim will no longer work (hopefully I explained that well). Does not occur with plain nvim, is not dependent on the terminal, and tmux doesn't matter. User Configuration The documentation website for AstroNvim. server-settings is the name of the LSP that you want to configure, and the table you are providing is what goes into the setup() call. So the first file save is always ok, but the second is always shifting all the contents to the start of line. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. g. macOS 13. The template generally installs and configures a single plugin per lua file. not neovim nightly) :AstroUpdate Restarted AstroNvim Operating system/version Void Linux 6. buf. I wanted to use the rust-tools plugin for inlay hints, and maybe change around the theme. TabStop: 4. Expected behavior. 0 Operating system/versio Note: This plugin will also reconfigure cmp in AstroNvim to make <Tab> work with both auto completion in cmp and copilot. Thank you! Share Add a Comment. Operating system is ubuntu linux. I'm trying to add some actions on save for Go development environment and modify some of the gopls default settings (to lsp = { -- customize lsp formatting options formatting = { -- control auto formatting on save format_on_save = { enabled = true, -- enable or disable format on save globally allow_filetypes = { -- enable format on save I'm trying to get neovim to stop formatting my Python files on save. vimrc: let g:clang_format#auto_format=1 Add Custom Mappings. that's only in git changes, in the file itself, nothing changed except the same lines I indented. 1. cmd [[autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim. enabled: autopairs_enabled: astrocore: features. 2 Operating system/version Wind You signed in with another tab or window. Configuration can be set up with various options provided by AstroLSP. It doesn't, so it is clear to me that instead eslint_d is doing the formatting here or Save Session Space + Ss Last Session Space + Sl Delete Session Space + Sd Search Sessions Space + Sf Load Current Directory Session Space + S. You will need to pass it the opts that astronvim creates with yours Edit: this might help some! Once the menu is open, search for Editor: Format On Save and make sure that option is checked: Once this is set, you can write your code as usual and it will be automatically formatted when you save the file. Last commit date. Describe the bug. Simply press a key like <Space> and a help menu will pop up with labelled menus and options. config/nvim/init. Ensure this server is listed in server_configurations. resolved_capabilities. It can serve as a basis for configuring plugins like nvim-lspconfig and It does format it, but then I need to save it again. Its driving me nutz. The sav command should do what you want. and I have both clangd Could you also try to save your file and run the vim command :!black % that should reformat it. My . Reference::sav[eas][!] [++opt] {file} Save the current buffer under the name {file} and set the filename of the current buffer to {file}. ts and see that the file updates to slightly different indentation. AstroNvim Defaults. Example: :TSInstall python Install Debugger. formatting. lua return { -- enable servers that you already have installed without mason servers = { -- "pyright" }, formatting = { format_on_save = false, -- enable or d Contribute to AstroNvim/astrolsp development by creating an account on GitHub. nvim plugin manager for much more of the configuration. Reload to refresh your session. g:clang_format#detect_style_file; When this variable's value is 1, vim-clang-format automatically detects the style file like . Question How do I run EslintFixAll on save? I have LSP servers installed: typescript-language-server and eslint I tried to use what someone suggested in #1283 but no luck User Configuration -- AstroNvim Configuration Table -- All configu Checklist I have searched through the AstroNvim docs I have searched through the existing issues of AstroNvim I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue Neovim version (nvim -v) 0. Oh, I see - I accidentally left those lines, but they were only there because I was using init. Install the Nerd Font of your choice to your system and in your terminal emulator settings, set its font face to that Nerd Font. I am a novice, and I hope to get your help. Operating system/version. not neovim nightly) :PackerSync :AstroUpdate Restarted AstroNvim AstroNvim version 2. Customizing auto-format on save. I also improved the installation of the markdown-preview For example, I open test. I tried playing with the timeout but it actually seems like something is overwriting it (removing the callback form the on_attach function will still cause null-ls to try to format on save). User Configu -- AstroNvim Configuration Table -- All configuration changes should go inside of the table below -- You can think of a Lua "table" as a dictionary like data structure the -- normal format is "key = value". 5 Operating system/version Wi AstroLSP provides a unified interface for configuring language servers in Neovim. api. Name Name. which-key. options = {. However, when I save, I get the following prompt: zhchok/AstroNvim-with-auto-save. Aesthetic User Interface. formatting table. Branches Tags. My null-ls. Code. I still dont know why upon saving my lua files get auto formatted. I open a file, it seems pretty well formatted, I intentionally indent some lines, I save, same lines get back in place but when I see the git changes, it seems that a whole lot of other lines changed one space back. Please help! btw great work. log is you need to turn on -- AstroNvim Configuration Table -- All configuration changes should go inside of the table below -- You can think of a Lua "table" as a dictionary like data structure the -- normal format is "key = value". Enter :TSInstall followed by the name of the language you want to install. lua and saving the file formats the whole file "destroying" the git-history. The main difference is that LSP-format. When recent lua-language-server (2023-02-11) is installed via mason, nvim Question I use @mehalter super nice configuration with a few adjustments. . I am just starting with nvim & astrovim. Enter :DapInstall followed by the name of the debugger you want to install. I suspect what is g = { highlighturl_enabled = true, -- highlight URLs by default mapleader = " ", -- set leader key autoformat_enabled = true, -- enable or disable auto formatting at start (lsp. If you don’t want your code to get auto formatted on save, you can disable it in the AstroLSP configuration: Customizing auto-format on save. LSP Configuration Engine built for AstroNvim. Follow edited Jul 8, 2023 at 20:35. When 'filetype' is empty filetype detection is done with the new name, before the file is written. formatting = { -- control auto formatting on save. The user can customize the detection methods, configure language servers and directories to be ignored, the scope of the working directory change, as well as toggle automatic directory changing. server-settings table where the key in lsp. Question I tried removing all contents of null-ls setup. Sign in Product Each file is exposed as a route based on its file name. I am pretty sure clangd prefers 2 spaces as indentation level, but I'm not completely sure. I set up the elixirls language server and I'm trying to set up formatting for it. nvim is async by default. a plugin to the plugins/init. clang-format file with the style changes I want, it should read from that file and change the format on save but it does not. I broke Astrovim config file many times. I improved some of the lazy loading, fixed some errors in your plugins. But the root cause fix from AstroNvim is disable "reformat on save changes" as its default installation state. And frankly speaking the re-formatting of the whole If I just override it in "local config = { . This is required for team reasons, and also because I'm not happy with how Format on save only (no partial formatting) - There's a :Format command you can call whenever you want but the purpose of this plugin is to format when saving. No response Checklist Using a stable version of Neovim (i. 🧶 Automatically save your changes in NeoVim. Up until now, I've been using the cli commands to format manually, but ideally, it'd be Without it, format on save isn't working, but the ´l-f´ pattern works. nvim is also used to provide help for discovering and remembering these mappings. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. How to do that? neovim; formatting; lazyvim; Share. Example: :DapInstall python Manage Fast startup time whether you are opening an empty Neovim session or opening a file directly through extensive lazy loading of plugins. g to have a nicer API in the user/init. v2. md or added as a custom The documentation website for AstroNvim v3. But the end result is the I believe, could be wrong, that there is a astronvim utils function called extend_tbl that you can use to do this. I found Question How to remove format on save with null-ls? User Configuration ####lsp. lua that adds prettier to null-ls with formatting on save: ["null-ls"] = function () local status_ok, null_ls = pcall (require, "null-ls") if status_ok then null_ls. Either the mappings table or the lsp. prettierrc and package. I'll post my updated init. I want it to automatically fix all eslint erro Add documentation on how to disable formatting on save in AstroNvim v2. IndentWidth: 4. – Vivian De Smedt. You signed out in another tab or window. If you don’t want your code to get auto formatted on save, you can disable it in your lsp. lua below. format_on_save. Introductory video Install and initialize: lazyman -w Spider Configuration c Aug 14, 2023 Orhun. Contribute to AstroNvim/astrolsp development by creating an account on GitHub. Navigation Menu { --control auto formatting on save format_on_save = { --enable or disable format on save globally enabled = true, --enable I am new to the vim/neovim community. clang-format file looks like this: Language: Cpp. Vivian De Smedt. To ease the use of resession we have built a few features into AstroNvim which can be configured. completion. Got the same issue! Question I still don't have the function of formatting code after I execute `: LspInstall eslint. Skip to content. I don't know the lua language. Out of the box AstroNvim doesn't provide direct support for any one language, but provides a New file: n: enew Save as sudo: W Spider Neovim Configuration Information AstroNvim based configuration with animated status bar and smooth scroll. ShiftWidth: 4. lua like the following: Checklist I have searched through the AstroNvim documentation I have searched through the existing issues of this project I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue I can replicate the bug with the minimal repro If you want all file types to be auto-indented on save, which I strongly recommend against, add this hook to your . AstroCore handles the general mappings that are applied to the editor where AstroLSP handles mappings that are set when a language server attaches. Now, running lua vim. @mishagantz here is an updated init. Prettier does a lot of things for you by default, but you can also customize the settings. Commented May 4, 2022 at 3:25. It offers features like key mappings, format on save, and toggling of features. So far I have only noticed this in very large Markdown files. drsb gur tnwex xptpt scid pxyr pouk erfb rxec ydmgcgdf