Distinct count with filter dax Example Data Set. Couldn't find anyt Apr 5, 2022 · Hello, Im trying to create a bar chart that counts how many of my Items are either A, B or C I've tried the following fomula: CountA = COUNTROWS(FILTER('Table', [Chart] = "A" )) CountB = COUNTROWS(FILTER('Table', [Chart] = "B" )) The issue with the formula above is that it counts all rows Oct 30, 2019 · Hi All, I'm trying to filter a table (have provided a mock one below) where I filter by Distinct and a result. For example, if you use the formula in the following example to create a measure, the results would change whenever the table was filtered to show only a particular region or a time period. 1. You can use columns containing any type of data. However, DISTINCTCOUNT is better in that case. 00 $0 1089 Nov-14 Product001 $0 $5. The Related Distinct Count pattern allows you to apply the distinct count calculation to any column in any table in the data model. When the function finds no rows to count, it returns a BLANK, otherwise it returns the count of distinct values. I would then want to show the DAX measure in a bar chart with the week number in the x-axis. May 20, 2021 · DAX: Filter, group by and count distinct values in Power BI. Getting values for distinct rows based on multiple columns. Return value. The user-defined aggregation feature in Power BI is designed to work with direct query models and usually gets used for calculations such as SUM, MIN, MAX etc. 00 1023 Nov-14 Product002 $1. The only argument allowed to this function is a column. Any support is appreciated, thanks! WORKS: Retained Accounts Past QTR = CALCULATE( May 31, 2018 · The corresponding measure working in DAX is: UniqueInitials := COUNTROWS ( DISTINCT ( SELECTCOLUMNS ( Customer, "Initials", LEFT ( Customer[Last Name], 1 ) & LEFT ( Customer[First Name], 1 ) ) ) ) In a more general way, you can obtain the equivalent of Apr 3, 2015 · I am trying to do this with DAX and unable to get the correct distinct count AccountID OrderDate Product SalesAmount DiscountAmount 1023 Nov-14 Product001 $0 $5. You can use this function to create measures in Power BI for your reporting or data visualization requirements. Highlighted in green are the values (summed up per Week) that I would want to count. Count unique values of filtered table. Sep 24, 2018 · DAX: Filter, group by and count distinct values in Power BI. If I Average only one insta Apr 6, 2017 · Solved: I have a dataset where I want to create two measures, one is the total count of employees and the other is the total count of employees who Aug 30, 2023 · I want to add a measure that would count distinct ID, grouped by Name, where status is CLOSED but disregard the date context within the visual (but keep it from slicer). May 16, 2021 · Hi, I have the following measure to count unique values but I need the measure to ignore any other filters on my visual. From the results I'm seeing it appears as though the filtered table isn't actually filtered, so I'm not sure if that's the problem or if I'm using the wrong DAX. 0. Here is a measure formula that I attempted: DistCountActiveMonths = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT('Net Revenue Data'[Publisher Name]),FILTER('Net Revenue Data','Net Revenue Data'[Active Month]=1)) May 3, 2018 · New count = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(Sheet1[name]), FILTER('Calendar', [new] = "new")) new = IF( [Last 365 days1]-[Last 90 days1]= 0,"New") Last 90 days1 = CALCULATE(SUM(Sheet1[amount ]),DATESBETWEEN(Sheet1[date],MAX([Date])-90,MAX([Date]))) See full list on spguides. I am wondering is it possible to re-write the measure without using CALCULATE? Dec 14, 2024 · COUNTROWS ( table ) COUNTROWS ( DISTINCT ( table ) ) COUNTROWS ( VALUES ( table ) ) The COUNTROWS function can be used to count the unique values available in a column for the current filter context. Feb 16, 2016 · Now, I want to count the distinct number of "active" publishers over a monthly trend using Power BI (DAX). 00 1045 Nov-14 Product001 $30. Whil Sep 16, 2022 · DAX: Filter, group by and count distinct values in Power BI. But not if they Apr 25, 2022 · Hello folks, I'm struggling to create a measure where I have the Number of Tenancies (cases), where the Account Class is 'REN', the In Arreas is 'Y', and the Current Former is 'C'. Dax Calculation on distinct Dec 12, 2020 · 2 - Also in the query editor, you could add a step with Remove Duplicates and update the Table. New Table = SUMMARIZE(Table, Table[ID], Table[Date], Table[Value]) Regards, Pat Jan 21, 2022 · I'm having some trouble getting the intended distinct count numbers on a filtered table. The results of DISTINCT are affected by the current filter context. Distinct( ) with the list of columns to summarize by. How to get DISTINCT row based on a Mar 22, 2021 · Hello, I am having an issue with a measure / formula. PowerBI : Count Distinct values in one column based on Distinct Values in another column. The Power BI DISTINCTCOUNT function is used to count the number of distinct values in a single column. Hot Network Questions Sep 3, 2021 · This returns corectly running count distinct but only if all dates are not filtered out in my pivot table. 3 - You can make a DAX calculated table with . Both formulas are below and the measure is shown in the matrix table. 00 $25. So I would want a count of ID based on the slicer selected Date of 7/29/22 AND 7/30/22 for the Market Location. GOAL . Desired output: Aug 31, 2021 · Measure = COUNTROWS DISTINCT( SELECTCOLUMNS( FILTER( 'Table', YEAR( 'Table'[Date]) = 2021 && [Sales (kg)] > 50), "__Product",[Product] ) ) ) The difference is that you are returning distinct products in the above measure versus distinct table rows. 45. DAX formula to count group by with filter. The desired result is 2 for the selected dates from the date slicer which directly corresponds to the date column in the table. Hot Network Questions Nov 7, 2014 · I have what I thought was a simple task: create a Measure that returns the distinct count of a field for all records that meet a specific filter condition, in this case a date filter. One works as intended when using an OR logic but does not work as intended with an AND. Filter, Group by, and count unique values in each group in Power BI. As you can see, the Cycle time will be the same for every ID but I only want to Average each ID once. 00 $10. However, it can also work well … Continue reading Speed up Distinct Count calculations in Nov 24, 2022 · I want to create a distinct count of catergories if one row meets a filter condition but exclude the entire category if one of the rows within in it meets another filter condition. Dec 14, 2024 · Related Distinct Count. I came up with the following: =CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(ExitFilter[Dim_Client_ID]),ExitFilter[ExitDate]<1/1/2014) and the result was (blank) so I tried: Apr 30, 2020 · DAX: Filter, group by and count distinct values in Power BI. The following expressions are equivalent. So for example something like this For the row with name "Nina" status is "In Progress" so I have blank, for the "Maxim" name I want to have 1 since that Name has only one ID Jan 11, 2021 · I pretty much understand how it works - it iterates over Customer inside the FILTER function, then the row context created by this iterator is transitioned into a filter context so that it is able to get the number of distinct products from the Sales table. DISTINCTCOUNT function counts the BLANK value. Remarks. 00) $0 Dec 5, 2023 · This article aims to show how you can speed up distinct count calculations in Power BI using the built-in user-defined aggregations feature. 00 1045 Nov-14 Product001 $(30. Apr 16, 2021 · Power BI (DAX) Distinct Count Filtered by Condition (Where Clause) 3. The link to OneDrive containing the PBIX file is here. A column of unique values. com Dec 29, 2023 · You can use the following syntax in DAX to count the number of distinct values in a column of a table after applying a filter: Distinct Points = CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNT ( 'my_data'[Points] ), FILTER ( 'my_data', 'my_data'[Team] = "C" ) ) Jan 25, 2024 · I would want to create a DAX measure that counts the number of companies (distinct!) that have >= 10 Items sold per week. I want a distinct count of person number with an appointment leaving date within the calendar period. The problem is that the Account Class comes from a different table and I'm unsure how to filter it. = DISTINCTCOUNT(ResellerSales[SalesOrderNumber]) I have tried to include the ALL function which partly works but every single row in my matrix has the same total count. As soon as I remove day nr 1 from pivot it still show running count distinct for day 2 and 3 af if day 1 was also taken into account:. Instead of just counting the number of distinct count values in the entire table using only the DISTINCTCOUNT function, the pattern filters only those values related to events filtered in Jul 19, 2019 · DAX: Filter, group by and count distinct values in Power BI. I have the following two DAX Sep 1, 2016 · Hi hsheikh, >> But when I apply filters from another Table ('Customer'[Source No_]) like sales person code or current Location code it only gives me a percentage of the TOTAL customers not the customers for that sales person code ot Current Location code Jul 29, 2022 · What I am trying to accomplish is to get a distinct count of IDs for each date with a location filter as well. If I Average the entire table below, the result is 21. 00 2045 Nov-14 Product001 $50. The number of distinct values in column. axjhnss jqglggs tlzmu opjdv oxl pup jwxmh avooc mewc zepri