Home assistant conditional image. front_door_lock - lock.

Home assistant conditional image When I added the AC modes I used an image element. front_door_lock - lock. png. I have 5 different images, and depending on the state of multiple entities (e. The below is displaying the correct image if sensor is in the first state (in the below 0). What do I add to my code? type: picture-elements elements: - type: image entity: light. io I believe you can achieve what you want if you define a default background image for the card, and use a second conditional state_image when switch. Apr 8, 2020 · I would like to display an image in the picture-elements card depending on a sensors value. 00 }}' elements: - type: state-badge. Let me explain. I want to use another mdi icon and read about templates. . g. As per the configuration variables below the card picks up cool, fan_only etc. server_temp_0. Is this doable or am I better off just building the card with images? Apr 15, 2024 · Hi, I’m attempting to create a condition based on an entity attribute in a picture elements card, to show or hide a state-label. which is controlled by a input_select at the top of the card. 7% title: null width: 10% state_image: cool Nov 19, 2024 · I would like a conditional card. But I see the error: Unknown type encountered: picture-entity. That will be shown only when a different card is not show. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the Edit dashboard dialog appears. May 2, 2019 · you can either use the templating card or conditional card. entity: switch. I use the shutter-card for my sunscreens. I actually have three conditional cards at the top of a vertical stack. I tried to add a conditional card but it seems to be saying it will only show “thing a” if “thing B” and “thing C” are true. I have the following code so far which shows a 2 picture with labels, each for a device (phone). Conditional card The conditional card displays another card based on conditions. Here’s the first one: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: conditional card: type: entity-filter title: Doors Unlocked show_header_toggle: false entities: - lock. I have magnet sensors on all my doors and windows. dr_door_lock - lock. Feb 5, 2021 · I have some rgb lights, and when they turn red for example, I want my picture-element image to turn red (from default white) too. Im not following. amplifier_2. See full list on home-assistant. The idea is to display the red label only when an update is available How to display a link? Feb 24, 2024 · One more small issue. Set the main image by defining a css “background” property by card-mod in a jinja template. they correspond to sensors on my home server. It seems it should work, but unfortunately it doesn’t. style: left: 50% top: 50% width: 100% The first will be for the default Home state and use the photo attached to the person entity, while a subsequent row can be added for each desired unique state other than Home, each with its own image override. Or template card will allow you to template the field you desire. extended_color_light_4 state Jul 7, 2022 · Doing a quick google search for the finishes_at attribute, I found the template below. jpg. Sounds simple but there are to many conditions to use them. card The URL of an image. If you need OR logic you will have to create a template binary sensor with that logic and then use it as the conditional entity for the element. I have a floorplan image of my house and in 1 zone i have 2 light: 1 big spotlight and 1 small spotlight. conditions: - entity: sensor. If you only indicate the ‘on’ one it will show the ‘on image’ when is on and the picture elements one when is different than ‘on’. And works. Since panel mode is meant for 1 card only, you might have to put both of them in a vertical-stack to be functional. Here is an example where I’m using a conditional image under a light element. Then make your four conditional cards and use your new template sensor to decide which card to display. The size of the images is all over the place. You could make the whole card for each floor conditional, so you’d only have to apply the conditional part once. energy_power Jan 14, 2020 · I copied this example directly form the documentation… condition: condition: and # 'when light' condition: before sunset and after sunrise - equivalent to a state condition on `sun. This is a horizontal stack card Apr 11, 2023 · Place the whole picture-elements card inside config-template-card and set the main image in a JS template. state > 20. I’ve got it working all bar one issue. Feb 22, 2021 · this is exactly what i had at the start of this, but when clicking on the image in the image folder it brought up a load of meta text, deleted, re-uploaded, added the above and all working. Im stucked at the end of my project with an apparent banality, but after my search im unable to solve it. If one of the two is in ‘on’ state, I would like to change the image and light on the zone over my floorplan image. When you want to store images in your Home Assistant installation use the hosting files documentation. The problem is with my code: i wanna Oct 23, 2021 · Hi, I am new to Home assistant and just trying a few things out. How can i change de base image of the picture element with that condition? Dec 1, 2020 · Good morning to everyone. Any pointers appreciated. May 15, 2020 · I am trying to set up a picture elements card with conditional formatting. Everything is working how it should, apart from 3 2 issues. Conditinal card is built in and youll have 2 configurations of the same card, each with a different background image. This means if the conditions of the first card are not met. Jul 26, 2021 · Also, you don’t need to define the ‘off’ image if it is the same as the primary image of picture-elements. amplifier_2==on: - type: image. Nov 23, 2021 · You can use a Conditional Card Conditional Card - Home Assistant . Can anybody shed some light on it? This yaml works, but I need the condition to be based on the value of the entity attribute: - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: sensor. Add an “image” element, enlarge it to cover the whole card and use “state_image” option. Instead of the label to change (home/not home) I’d like the picture itself to change. separate images per tab! Nov 14, 2023 · As you can see from the attached screenshot, I am attempting to create a person location bar consisting of 3 picture entity cards which display badges based on their location and, if away from home, the time of how far they are from home. So i would like to Display my second card based on the condition of the first card. garage_side_door_lock state_filter: - 'unlocked' show_empty: false card: type: glance title Feb 28, 2024 · Hi, i’m trying to make a 3d floor plan and i want to use two base images, on by day and another by night if its posible. Aug 25, 2020 · No, the base image can’t be conditional. What I want is to show a picture on the dashboard if a device’s state is ‘home’, and a different picture if that same device is ‘not_home’. Greyscale images for override were stored in "/config/www/" to make them easy to access. What am I doing wrong here? This is a test for just one sensor, but I would rather have it for all off the same device_Class “Opening”. ) At first I asked the maker of the card if he he could add conditions to his Feb 8, 2019 · Hello, I started building my UI from scratch in Lovelace. IF A AND B AND NOT X) I want to choose which image to display. After storing your files, use the /local path, for example, /local/filename. I want to be able to show the heatmap of the server based on their values. I was trying to do this with 10 conditional cards but i’m having trouble getting the syntax right… I have the below code which does works if state = 10 but I want the image to display if the state is below 10 and cant get the logic/syntax for that right. The Oct 10, 2021 · I’m using a Picture Elements Card to make a replica Air Conditioning control panel for an AitTouch 4 system. Can this be done, perhaps by css filter? I had gotten bored by the default icons, so I wanted to have the actual light to be seen on my floorplan. ac_0 style: top: 60% left: 53. - type: image entity: climate. These images are in my /local/images/ folder. I dont get how this will allow me to see all my views Jul 1, 2019 · Yes, it works for me. But i want to add conditions to the card e. So i have a card, that shows my bins when they need to be empty. sun` of `above_horizon` conditions: - condition: sun before: sunset - condition: sun after: sunrise …but am receiving the error… Invalid config for [automation]: [after] is an invalid option for [automation Mar 30, 2021 · If you are talking about the conditional element, each entity can have only one state or state_not condition and they are ANDed together to determine if the element is shown. - type: conditional. e. Is it possible to put something like an icon in a position depending the hour of the d… Aug 10, 2023 · I want to use the conditional card to display a different card depending on the condition. In testing, I noticed that the template does auto-update, just every minute instead of continuously like the entity. state_image: "on": /local/images/on. May 18, 2023 · Hi there, I want to build a custom Lovelace card with an image displaying the state of my smoke detector. To add the conditional card to your user interface: In the top right of the screen, select the edit button. What is the best method to address this so they are Apr 19, 2023 · Screenshot_20230908_091724_Home Assistant 1080×2280 119 KB. (I have more conditions, like weather etc. value_template: '{{state. By default they have a square icon that changes based on their state. Which works fine. Apr 10, 2019 · Hi, I have an ultrasonic sensor in my water tank and have 10 different images to display based on level. when the window is open, one must not be able to use the card. My sensor has 3 states 0, 1 or 2. Create a template sensor which is either 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on your states. Feb 2, 2021 · Hello, I’m trying to Make a picture element with a scheduling in which I want to mark one element depending on the time of the day. So try deleting the off images for both ligthts first and check if that works. # Configure a Jan 23, 2019 · Hi just tried creating my first few conditional cards in Lovelace and I think they are working, but they leave a blank space in the GUI where they would later show up once the condition is met. Aug 21, 2024 · is there a way to get a conditional card to work inside of a picture elements card I am trying to have a card come up when a condition is met. btyfn urnzg vbex xwdp tcoma rdimf fcvdos rrtowh wajunw aaynroh